Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On top of the world

My favourite spot in Victoria is just below the summit of Little Higginbotham on Mt Hotham. From the hill beside the road to the sanitation works you can look out over the valley and feel on top of the world.
I took this photo on a visit a couple of summers ago and have used it as my screensaver for most of this year. I still love to look into its depths and although I have thought of replacing it several times, it's still my favourite.
The mountain totally changes in winter.
A few months ago I tried to capture the same view during the snow season.
The road to Mt Hotham was clear when we arrived but half a metre of snow fell while we were there, turning even the distant hills white.
I plunged down to my knees in soft powder snow while trying to recapture this scene.
The winter photo was going to replace the summer one for a while but I prefer to look at blue skies and clouds when I'm stuck indoors.

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Handspun fawn corriedale dyed with Gaywool's bulloak.


Handspun yarn for a jacket.